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Sasquatch of the Northeast (New Bigfoot Documentary)

New Bigfoot documentary featuring cryptozoologist, Loren Coleman and Pat Spain from the Travel chann ...View More

PROVING BIGFOOT (2024) New Bigfoot Documentary

New Bigfoot Documentary, Proving Bigfoot. Hear from lead Bigfoot investigators, authors and research ...View More

"Believe it or Not" (2024) Full Bigfoot Documentary

Hear first hand from the believers in Bigfoot. This Bigfoot documentary was produced by Penford medi ...View More

BIGFOOT ORIGINS - (2024) Feature Bigfoot Documentary

New Bigfoot Documentary, Bigfoot Origins. Hear from lead Bigfoot investigators, authors and research ...View More

Best Bigfoot Documentary Channel | Living With Sasquatch Film | Missing 411

This has the potential to be Best Bigfoot Documentary Channel. Living With Sasquatch Film and these  ...View More

ELUSIVE: The Legend of Bigfoot | 2024 Bigfoot Documentary

A new Bigfoot documentary by Penford Media. Hear from Sasquatch enthusiasts and professionals from a ...View More

New Bigfoot Documentary Series | Living With Sasquatch | Randy Brisson

Welcome to RenaissanceMan's New Bigfoot Documentary Series, Living With Sasquatch! In this first epi ...View More

The Night Watchmen Bigfoot Documentary 2024 | With Audio Files | Featuring Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor joins us on location in the cascades to recall one of our favorite encounters, the repo ...View More

Bigfoot on Video | Thermal Sasquatch Documentary 2024 @ The Brown Property

Brothers Jonathan and Ben Brown capture a Sasquatch on their property in Washington state. Phil Poli ...View More

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